Give your homeless friends this portable directory pointing them to the resources they need. Order Copies For your car, office, church or business.
Over the past few years we have collected a list of hundreds of resources and organization that help the homeless.
This app is a digital copy of that list. For a more portable resource, we have created a printed directory of the 50 most accessible service providers for the homeless. This directory is a one-stop resource booklet.
We provide these resource directories free to our homeless friends and have already distributed thousands of copies.
If you would like to have a stack of these directories you can make a small donation to cover the cost of printing, production and distribution. We suggest that you give these accompanied with a bottle of water and a granola bar. Please don’t give money to the homeless.
You can order these online here in bundles of 20 or 50, or you can stop by our offices (M-F 9-5) to get any other quantity.
You can also skip the shipping charges if you come pick them up at our office.
This directory is not meant to be an exhaustive list of resources in Dallas County.
It contains places which our guests most frequently use for their needs. Contents include: hotline numbers, our schedule, where to eat for free everyday in Dallas, numbers and information on various resources, medical providers, rehabs, and shelters.
We suggest you carry them in your car with bottled water or granola bars, so that when you see someone panhandling, you have helpful items to give them.
The directory is temporary unavailable for purchase.